Lu is a little ladybird who has just started preschool with her new friends. Together they explore their new lives though play, music, big feelings and even bigger fun. Press play above to get a sneak peek!
Stream the show on RTÉ Player and watch in on RTÉjr Monday to Friday, at 7:35am & 3:40pm.
Meet Lu
Lu is a 3 ½ year old ladybird. Playful and creative, Lu loves playing with her dinosaur toys, especially Tara the Tyrannosaur and doing silly voices for them. And she loves polka dots; she has them on her wings, her dress, her bed sheets; even her toothbrush has polka dots. Lu lives with her Mam and Dad in a strawberry house.

Lu goes to Shell School, so let's meet some of her friends from there...
- BARNABY BUMBLEBEE is 3 ½, a month younger than Lu. Barnaby is a bundle of joyful energy and still learning about personal boundaries...
- BIBA BUTTERFLY is 3 ½, two months older than Lu. Biba is energetic and free spirited.
- DECLAN GROUND BEETLE is 3 ½, a week older than Lu. He is energetic and likes to be the centre of attention.
- ELODIE WORM is 4, the eldest in Shella's Shell School. Elodie is creative, fun-loving and fluent in French!
- GUS GREENFLY is 3, three months younger than Lu. Gus is quite serious and content to play by himself.
You can colour in all the gang here and more with this fun activity sheet!
The show is made by Brown Bag films and they have won Emmys and been nominated for Oscars! We all know you are going to love the show!!