Anybody but England: why we find it hard to shout for the English There are a myriad of reasons from disidentification to marginalisation why so many of us want to see England lose on Sunday Sport • 12 Jul
Why Irish people love making connections when we meet strangers The Irish connection grid means we're always striving to find a link to make the world smaller Society • 11 Jul
Cinderella but not as we know her: wonder tales & Irish tradition Wonder tales transport the listener from the mundane world of day-to-day life to the marvellous sphere of the supernatural Folklore • 11 Jul
Can footballers & hurlers be trained to make the right decision? A number of methods to enhance a player's decision-making skills have already been investigated and actually work Coaching • 10 Jul
How coffee badging became a new workplace trend It joins 'quiet quitting' as another pinch point between employers and employees over the future of the workplace Work and careers • 05 Jul
Why singing and music is good for you and your baby Research shows singing is good for you during pregnancy and for bonding with your baby Music Therapy • 27 Jun
Aer Lingus: why ending a dispute can be harder than starting one The dispute at the airline can help us understand why employment in today's society carries overlooked uncertainties and risks Work and careers • 26 Jun
'He proposed on our first date': my experience of culture shock What we say and how we behave is influenced by cultural norms and can lead to critical (and sometimes funny) incidents Language • 24 Jun
Why Irish field names and local placenames need to be recorded These names are real signifiers of our diverse native landscape and are shaped by local knowledge and past generations. Ireland • 24 Jun
The story of the first all-Ireland mapping survey 200 years ago Disputes were common and informants often disagreed when the townlands we're familiar with today were created Ireland • 19 Jun
Be careful what you type: is your boss watching your keyboard? As the recent Wells Fargo case shows, employer surveillance of workers raises many important questions Work and careers • 18 Jun
What do Irish medieval handbells sound like? An exhibition allows visitors to experience a small part of medieval Ireland as it was heard more than 1,000 years old Culture • 17 Jun
Why successful Irish athletes are such a tonic for the nation These positive female role models are likely to inspire a new generation of girls wanting to follow in the footsteps of the medalists Psychology • 13 Jun
A 'lifeline' for family carers: the role of online support groups These groups provide vital services and support to many of the 300,000 Irish people who are caring for a loved one Carers • 11 Jun
How the environment shapes our brains In addition to genetic factors, non-genetic factors influence how an embryo develops, including how its brain develops Health • 31 May
How the groups we belong to influence our attitudes and the world Attitudes are not individual, but collective products negotiated and defined through group interactions, with real-world consequences Psychology • 30 May
You can force employees back to the office, but not the good ones Organisations that impose return-to-office mandates face the catastrophic possibility of losing their most valuable workers Work and careers • 21 May
All you ever wanted to know about webcomics There are a myriad of reasons why webcomics have proven so popular with both creators and readers Webcomics • 09 May
Why there's a strong case for a bespoke offence of domestic abuse The Irish criminal justice system's response to domestic abuse has improved, but outstanding issues still impede successful prosecutions Coercive Control • 07 May
Do you have the work ability for your job? Work ability is about assessing if an employee can meet the physical, mental, social and emotional aspects of their job Work and careers • 02 May
Can your saliva show if you're at risk of catching a cold? Research on elite sportspeople has found that saliva markers provide a good indicator of susceptibility to falling ill Health • 30 Apr
What do kids need for the move from primary to secondary school? The move from primary to secondary school is one of the biggest life changes an individual will ever experience Schools • 23 Apr
Do you have rude co-workers? Here's how to handle them There is extensive evidence that workplace rudeness can have adverse effects on your well-being Work and careers • 22 Apr
Do you have maths anxiety? A tension and anxiety around numbers and maths problems can have far-reaching impacts on an individual and society Maths • 16 Apr
Will careers in tax face obsoletion or evolution because of AI? Tasks performed by early career practitioners are those most vulnerable to AI so fewer tax trainees may be needed in the future Work and careers • 10 Apr