Did you know that coffee cups are consistently in the top five items littered across Irish coastlines?
In a convenience-driven culture where single-use items are the norm, it's easy to overlook the long-term environmental impact of disposable coffee cups.
According to Wicklow-based reusables company and lifestyle brand, Ecoset, there are a number of compelling reasons why we should all consider ditching the disposables in 2024.

Why should we ditch the disposables?
According to founders Oscar and Sarah, 22,000 coffee cups are discarded hourly in Ireland, equating to 528,000 cups daily, which totals at 200 million annually.
- This generates 3,700 tonnes of waste yearly.
- Disposable cups contribute to air pollution when incinerated.
- Disposable cups litter our beautiful beaches and shorelines.
- The plastic within these cups breaks down into harmful microplastics, which can harm marine life and coastal ecosystems.
- Production of disposable cups consumes significant energy.
What can we do?
Founding Director Sarah Maunsell has shared some great tips for integrating sustainable habits into your day to day life.
1. Bring your own reusable cup
Make carrying a reusable coffee mug a habit. By using your own mug instead of disposable cups, you reduce waste and often receive discounts at coffee shops. Disposable cups' plastic lining makes them non-recyclable, leading to landfill or incineration. Opting for reuse just makes sense. We have noticed an increase in customers ordering our personalised reusable mugs, engraved with their name and regular coffee order.

2. Choose reusable water bottles
Single-use plastic water bottles heavily pollute the environment. Invest in a high-quality reusable bottle, such as stainless steel or BPA-free plastic, for better-tasting water that stays chilled throughout the day. We're pleased to see the growing use of reusable bottles, especially in schools, universities, sports venues, TV and film sets, and large corporate offices, which are increasingly implementing plastic bottle-free zones with more refill stations. Unfortunately, only about 9% of plastics produced have ever been recycled, with 12% incinerated, while the rest end up in landfills or the environment, including our oceans.

3. Pack your lunch sustainably
Choose reusable food pots over single-use plastic ones. Prepare meals at home or use leftovers from last night's dinner. Not only does this cut down on waste, but it also promotes healthier eating habits. Stainless steel food pots are ideal for keeping food hot throughout the day or salads chilled. Additionally, this practice reduces the need for plastic wrapping and disposable containers. According to the Clean Coasts Ocean Conservancy Coastal Clean-Up report for 2023, plastic containers were among the most frequently encountered items on the Irish coastline during beach cleanups.

4. Say no to plastic straws and utensils
Bring your own reusable straws and utensils when dining out or ordering takeout. These simple adjustments can significantly reduce plastic waste, especially given the immense number of single-use plastics generated by the food industry.

5. BYOB (Bring Your Own Bag)
It's become second nature for people in Ireland to bring their own reusable bags to the supermarket. Using your own bags helps minimise the reliance on single-use plastic bags, which frequently find their way into landfills or oceans.