A full list of RTÉ Contact Details are available on about.rte.ie/contact.

RTÉ Radio - Technical issues

If you have any problems using the RTE.ie/radio website or RTÉ Radio Player apps, email the dedicated RTÉ Radio Player Team at radio.player@rte.ie and check our Help & Support FAQ page here. If you can, please include details of your device, operating system, location, connection type and any relevant links.

Content/show queries and feedback

If you have a query about a radio show or would like to share an opinion on a guest or a topic you should contact the show's team directly using the contact information listed on their page.

Advertising queries

If you have feedback or queries regarding the use of advertising on RTE Radio services, or would like to advertise with us, please contact our sales team via https://mediasales.rte.ie/

I would like a copy of a show

If you'd like a copy of an RTÉ Radio programme, please contact: tapes@rte.ie

All copies are subject to transfer fees and terms and conditions.

RTÉ Information Office

The RTÉ Information Office staff are there to answer any general questions you may have about RTÉ's programming and services. The office welcomes comment and feedback. If you wish to call outside of office hours, you are welcome to leave a voice message and your call will be returned on the next working day.

P: (01) 2083434
E: info@rte.ie